Our Services
Do you have an employee who is off sick and their GP has said they should return to "light duties"? What does that actually mean? We complete a face to face assessment (can be remote depending on job role and work environment) to identify aspects of the role the person may struggle with. This typically takes 2-3 hours which includes a comprehensive observation of the individual and analysis of their job. We make sensible and pragmatic recommendations to support a realistic return to work.
Do you have an employee who is in work but has had an injury or illness that is preventing them from doing certain aspects of their job role? A face to face assessment and job demand analysis can help identify what the person can and cannot do now and in the future.
Our detailed reports are all individualised and we do our upmost to answer questions as honestly as we can.
From £600
We are spending more and more time at our desks and good posture and physical ergonomics is fundamental to jobs that require a lot of computer work We can complete either a face to face or remote assessment to assess and provide advice on good work station set up.
From £200
We believe all people should be entitled to paid employment. We can assist and advise how to effectively support an employee with a disability and/or long term (physical or mental) health condition in the workplace to benefit both employee and employer.
FROM £600
If you are concerned about your sickness levels or want to ensure a healthy workplace, we can review your current practices and provide feedback and recommendations to support a positive and thriving work environment.
From £1000
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